- Имот ID C-78
- Статус Продаден
- Вид на имота Комплекс
- Локация Поморие, България
- Разстояние до море 1 m
- Цена -
- Цена/м2 -
- Площ -
- Вътрешна площ -
- Външна площ -
- Година -
- Етаж 0
- Брой етажи -
- Всекидневни -
- Спални -
- Бани -
- Kилери -
- Баня с тоалетна -
- Други -
- Строящ се
- С Акт 16
- Пред завършване
- На 'зелено'
- Замразен обект
- Продадено
- Акт14
The new holiday project Majestic Bay having area of 25 744 sq.m., is located to the south from the town of Pomorie, Bulgaria. It is situated on the first line, in proximity to the sea coast and offers a unique view to the whole bay, naturally formed between Pomorie and Burgas. The complex is located on the very sea coast having completely sea panorama.
The architectural design represents a composition of two-storeyed and five-storeyed residential structures. There is provided an outdoor parking lot for 34 motorcars, broken in the middle for ensuring unhindered pedestrian approach, which provides a direct access to the outdoor pool, as well as to the rich planted and picturesque area between the separate buildings in the interior of the complex. The public part of the building, located on the ground floor level includes – a restaurant, fitness and SPA – center, beauty parlour, internet club, foodstuff shop and chemist’s shop.
With the purpose of creating a sufficient number of parking places, necessary for each apartment, there is organized and projected an underground structure of spaces under every building, as well as in part of the underground area between the buildings.
During the working out of the residential structures and areas, the designer strived for re-creating the atmosphere of the classical architecture.
The balustrades and classical parapets of wrought iron typical for that period have been observed upon building of the architectural appearance of the complex. The walls are finished with stone facing and plaster coloured at discretion of the designer and coordinated with the investor. The roofs are flat on the last floors, as well as partially on some other floors, there are shades and sun protection devices available, which give contemporaneousness of the neoclassical arance of facades through the wall piers, columns, cornices and other architectural elements typical for the classic period give a relief and contrast of spaces, which helps for building of esthetical and well arranged appearance of every building, as well as of the whole exterior composition.
In the compositional design of each apartment is inserted the idea for maximum favourable orientation of the main and in most cases of all premises to the sea, which coincides with the favourable south direction.
More specially shall be finished the appearance of buildings in the interior of the complex-they represent two-storeyed spaces, consisting of maisonette dwellings and in building thereof is provided richly planted roof-terrace, extending over the last slab and formed as a roof-garden having intensive and extensive planting, which shall be brimming and falling over each apartment, thus creating a direct contact with the nature and living forms of hanging bushes, grass and tree species. These buildings have not only an individual access for each dwelling, but also a separate, green, personal area in front of every separate entrance.
The alley network is also developed in classical linear forms for providing maximum direct connections to the interior of the complex, especially for the interior two-storeyed buildings, as the area around the outdoor pool is designed in more free alleys, because there shall be more categorically accentuated on the recreational function and there will be possible to form an original center of the complex.
On this place is also intended a direct access to the restaurant and fitness room, which shall be provided with outdoor seats, outdoor showers and sanitary units shall be built close to the pool, as well as an outdoor bar with seats on the ground on the level of the pool.
The alleys in the interior of the complex provide not only access to the interior buildings, but also an opportunity for recreation and they are a connection to the children’s playground and the recess for recreation.